Activities & Results2023-09-04T14:00:23+02:00

Our Gender Mainstreaming Handbook for Cluster Teams is out!

Over the past year, we focused our work on the handbook following these objectives: To identify good practices among EU clusters and policy makers at regional, national and EU level related to gender equality and gender mainstreaming. To define a pan-European Gender Mainstreaming Approach through specific tools for SMEs. We were positively surprised to see the echo in the European cluster community when asked to contribute with their experience and knowledge to our collection of good practices. We succeeded to double the number of good practices identified (from targeted 15 to 28) and the number of interviews (from 10 [...]


Upcoming results

A handbook to equip cluster teams on gender equality strategies (good practices and interviews, innovative tools guide) A toolkit of videos on gender equality strategies for small and medium enterprises A virtual learning environment for SMEs to access all materials free of charge for 5 years (with adaptive training and gamification techniques) A methodology for European clusters to directly train SMEs from these contents (guide for trainers and facilitators, toolbox to carry out training sessions and pilot sessions to test the training

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